Rita Kazieva, RN, BSN, MBA specializes in a Comprehensive Personalized Approach to health care for women, helping you to adopt a healthy lifestyle. She encourages you to make healthy choices; teaching people about wellness, balancing body systems and nail down your medical issue. Her health coaching skills help women through every stage of their life. As your Personalized Nurse Health Coach, she brings her vast clinical knowledge of patient/client assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation of care and outcomes for all health conditions
The Integrative Medical Health Coaching (IMHC) at Nano Health Associates empowers you to make lasting health behavior changes that are the cornerstones of lifelong well-being. Our health coaches bridge the gap between the medical recommended Personalized Care Plan and implementing those recommendations in a way that Best Fits your Complex Life.
Our Medical Health Coaches take time to listen to your concerns, ask questions and work with to help motivate you to implement your doctors recommendations. They help facilitate Behavioral changes in a structured, supportive partnership. They help identify your personal obstacles to change and create a Personalized Plan for you to move forward. Sessions can take place over the telephone, TeleVideo, or in person.
How do I start?
Please contact Nano Health Associates Integrative Medical Health Coaching at 305-859-4678. They can answer your questions, and if you are interested in starting coaching, they will collect your name and contact information to provide to an Integrative Health Coach; who will contact you to have an initial consultation of your coaching needs at no cost to you.